i told you
choc cake in the morning is never fail !!
sekejap lagi i akan pergi mengajar dekat kelas tajwid
yes alhamdulillah i da berjaya buat 2 kelas al-quran & tajwid utk kanak2 kat taman ni
dan anak2 i pun start learning together with me :) -- refer to previous post-
selepas sebulam i buat utk kanak2, i buat utk dewasa pula
so jumlah kelas setiap minggu 4 kelas alhamdulillah
dan i still belajar utk my second degree ni
so just 5 subjects,, insyaallah i taknak drop mana2 subjek then lepas ni da boleh buat master
have a nice day & may Allah bless you!

rak ikea ni my hubby yg assemble
lepas tu dia tinggalkan note tu hikhikhik
okay la. bolehla, 80% of sweetness detected :P
ps: Allah s.w.t. still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him. So imagine how much he loves those who obey him | Dr Bilal Philips
lepas tu dia tinggalkan note tu hikhikhik
okay la. bolehla, 80% of sweetness detected :P
ps: Allah s.w.t. still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him. So imagine how much he loves those who obey him | Dr Bilal Philips