Monday, 6 August 2012

1/2/2012: Wadi Rum, Jordan

kami kat belakang tu!
membelek kisah Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum has been inhabited by many human cultures since prehistoric times, with many cultures–including the Nabateans–leaving their mark in the form of rock paintings, graffiti, and temples. As of 2007[update], several Bedouin tribes inhabit Rum and the surrounding area.
In the West, Wadi Rum may be best known for its connection with British officer T. E. Lawrence, who based his operations here during the Arab Revolt of 1917–18. In the 1980s one of the rock formations in Wadi Rum was named "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" in memory of Lawrence's book penned in the aftermath of the war, though the 'Seven Pillars' referred to in the book actually have no connection with Rum.
The area centred on Wadi Rum (the main valley) is home to the Zalabia Bedouin who, working with climbers and trekkers, have made a success of developing eco-adventure tourism, now their main source of income. The area around Disi to the NE, home to the Zuweida Bedouin and erroneously also thought to be part of Wadi Rum by visitors, caters more for Jordanian visitors from Amman, with campsites regularly used by party-goers.


Khaz'ali Canyon in Wadi Rum is the site of petroglyphs etched into the cave walls depicting humans and antelopes dating back to the Thamudic times.
Petroglyphs in Wadi Rum


The Wadi Rum Visitor Center
View from the top of Mount Rum
A Nabatean temple in Wadi Rum
The area is now also one of Jordan's important tourist destinations, and attracts an increasing number of foreign tourists, particularly trekkers and climbers, but also for camel and horse safari or simply day-trippers from Aqaba or Petra. In contrast, there are almost no local or Arab tourists though nearby Disi (not actually part of Rum) attracts young people from Amman at weekends.

see wikipedia for more pics n info =)

our activities here:
1- play with sand (the most finest sand in the world)
2- make sand a glider for us, but it was a failure ^_*
3- small cave. written on it Lailahaillallah
4-sunset- view
5-visit a small village there. about 1000 people live here
7-Nabatean temple (only the remains of the building)

nak naik ke puncak

sangat berseni org dulu2

can u see? we are on top of the roCk?hill? =)

kami di puncak

nak gelungsur je,,tapi kan pasir tu pasir terhalus di dunia,, mmg xley gelungsur..huhu. murakib gelak kt kitorg ms ni

 credit: all pics from murakib. not my own camera =)

 Solat yang dikerjakan sebagai benteng gangguan syaitan untuk masuk ke rumah. Rasulullah bersabda maksudnya: “Jadikanlah solat sunat dalam rumah kamu dan janganlah jadikan rumah kamu itu sebagai kubur.” – (Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim dan Nawawi).

Maksud sebagai kubur itu adalah tidak melakukan solat sunat di rumah. Rasulullah selalu mengerjakan solat sunat di rumah sebelum solat fardu di masjid seperti sabdanya bermaksud: “Wahai manusia, solatlah kamu (sunat) di rumah kamu kerana sesungguhnya solat seseorang yang paling afdal adalah di rumahnya kecuali solat wajib.” – (Riwayat Nasai’).


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