Friday, 29 April 2011

Sebelum Isya', aku taip..

Assalamualaikum semua

saya bajet nak mencoret kat sini dlm 10 minit gitu. sambil2 tunggu Isya' :)
alhamdulillah, pagi tadi, hari dimulai dengan SC naqibah. kol 7 pagi. bangun kol 6.30pagi. haha. tak pe la tu. terus berlari2 mengejar waktu yang aku (aku plop, tadi saya..xpe la..kata ganti nama pertama) kira dah cepat beberapa microsaat berikutan tsunami kat Jepun haritu.

back to the topic kan..bkn ade topik khas pun, cumanya saje2..suka2..

aku perasan, dalam fatrah ni, semua orang dok la..exam da nak dekat kan..aku pun sama..stat la baca balik apa yang tak faham semua, tulis nota sikit2..aku sibuk pun takdela sesibuk macam exco..ZAP, usrah adik2 aku ni dan kerja2 sampingan yang lain la yg berkaitan persatuan semua...

yang penting kena bahagi masa. best kalau kita rasa kita ni bermanfaat pada orang lain...tapi tak best gak klu orang kutuk kat belakang..tapi tak pe la. as u know what u are doing..

macam tenang je walaupun exam. kenapa ek? adoi la..tapi kalau tengok kawan2 sekelas study, agak jeles gak..hoho..

cakap pasal jeles2 ni, teringat tadi bincang pasal perkara yang mana kita boleh hasad/jeles/dengki dalam kekayaan (harta untuk yang hak dan kebenaran) dan juga ilmu (dgn ilmu -diajar dan dgn ilmu juga kita boleh menyelesaikan masalah antara 2 pihak)

faham? hehe..terbelit2 plop..ada orang miskin, zaman Nabi dulu, dia jeles dengan orang kaya sbb orang kaya derma banyak2, tapi dia tak dapat nak wat, katsitu bolehla ada perasaan jeles/dengki..(sapa2 yg kaya, blhla derma Tabung Kasih Sayang,TKS..hehe)..dan juga ilmu. boleh ada perasaan dengki untuk berlumba2 mencari ilmu..gitu la cter die..

da azan la. setakat tu la dulu.
aku harap dgn benda alah ni, aku boleh la buat kerja2 baik. soh orang buat baik dan yang baik2. aku harap aku berubah ke arah yang lebih baik.

sama-sama ubah diri sendiri ke arah yang lebih baik.

trivia ¬ untuk adik2 usrah aku tadi. aku buat exam hari ni. untuk fisiologi. saje test power. alhamdulillah. ade improvement. diorang pun selalu datang usrah ni. Ni yang aku sayang ni. haha. xley cakap lebih2, klu diorang baca ni, kembang semangkuk laks.haha. i like :)

aku jeles dengan uda sebab kek dia sedap. moist, lembut, dan aku mmg suka coklat.. JOM beli kek uda ni..DI's cottage..tempah2. cupcake pun ade. cari kat FB nama DI's cottage. lap top stuck. tak ley nak letak link. hehe

Ya Allah, beri aku ilham dengan ilmu yang dapat menjadi alat untuk semua suruhanMu dan dapat mengetahui semua laranganMu. Berikanlah kepadaku Ya Allah, kefahaman yang mendalam dari para nabi dan kefasihan hafalan para Rasul dan cepatnya ilmu para Malaikat yang dekat denganMu dan kurniakanlah kepadaku ya Allah dengan cahaya ilmu dan cepat dalam memahaminya. Keluarkanlah aku dari keraguan. Bukalah untukku semua pintuu rahmatMu dan ajarkanlah aku rahsia hikmahMu, wahai Tuhan semesta alam..amin

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Inventions : try to create it :)

Activity: As a class, students will choose the ten most important inventions of the 20th century. Next, partners will research important facts about each invention. Then, each student will write about and vote on the one invention that has had the greatest impact on people's lives.

Hold a class discussion about some of the most important inventions of the 20th century. Which invention has really changed the way people live? Which ones would be the most difficult to live without? Which inventions have the greatest impact on the most people around the world? Brainstorm ideas and write them on the board.

Help students review the list to make sure each invention was invented during the 1900s. If there are questions, assign one or two students to check the facts online.

As a class, decide on the ten most important inventions from the list. (You could have students write their ten choices on a list, collect the list, and tally the votes.) Create a new list with the class's "Top 10" list.

Divide the students into groups of two or three and have each group research one of the ten inventions using the sites below. On a piece of notebook paper, descriptions should include:

• the name of the invention

• a picture of the invention

• the name of the inventor

• the date or year it was invented

• one or two facts about how it was invented

• a description of what it does

Divide students into five groups, each assigned to one of the inventors above. Ask them to answer the following questions. They may use the Web sites below to help them research.

• How does this invention help people?

• How do you think this invention changed the way people live?

• What kinds of things did this person need to know in order to create his invention?

• Would you consider this a successful invention? Why or why not?

Create a "Top 10 Inventions" bulletin board. Have each group present their report to the class, and hang their reports in a line across the bottom of the board.

Finally, ask each student to consider which of these inventions they think is the most important. They should consider which one invention has had the greatest impact on people's lives. Give each student an index card. On their cards, they should write the name of the invention they chose and two to three sentences describing why that innovation is the most important to our lives today.

Have each student read his or her card aloud and place it above the report for that invention. The cards should be placed one above the other over each invention, creating a visual bar graph. Which invention did students vote number 1, and why.

ramai kawan saya, this link is good for teachers, parents, also the kids..:

trivia- this is good & enjoyable activity
my naqibah now always give us homework to do like ukhuwah module, noble value module, etc.. they are very benefitial enough and we can think about others and surrounding which means we try to create some for the society and try to solve other problems. saiful islam said -'erti hidup pada memberi'.

- tutup aurat. pakai sarung kaki dan pakai yang longgar, insyaallah, Allah sayang~
klik video: sifat 20 bagi Allah [best!!]

Monday, 18 April 2011

10 Tip Untuk Tingkatkan Metabolisma Badan

Ramai yang mengalami masalah berat badan. Bagi mereka yang obese, adalah metabolisma mereka lebih rendah berbanding mereka yang lebih kurus? Hmmm mungkin tapi tahukah anda apa itu metabolisma?
Metabolisma adalah jumlah keperluan tenaga atau kalori untuk fungsi asas badan anda. Pada setiap masa, samada tidur, senaman, mandi dan lain-lain, badan sentiasa membakar kalori. Metabolisma badan anda menentukan penggunaan tenaga badan. Tahukah anda kadar keperluan kalorie seharian anda? Ia tidak sama bagi semua. Ia bergantung kepada umur, jantina, berat badan, tinggi dan kadar aktiviti anda. Kalau nak belajar dengan lebih lanjut, dapatkan eBook saya.

Tip-tip untuk Tingkatkan Metabolisma

Baiklah. Walaupun kadar metabolisma harian badan ataupun BMR (basal metabolic rate) adalah tetap, anda masih boleh amalkan tip-tip berikut untuk naikkan metabolisma badan anda.
  1. Makan 5-7 hidangan kecil setiap kali anda makan, sistem penghadaman badan perlu bekerja. Jadi dengan memakan lebih kerap dengan kuantiti yang lebih sederhana, metabolisma badan akan naik. Kalau tidak, metabolisma badan akan menurun dan anda cepat rasa penat dan lesu (seperti bulan puasa).
  2. Angkat berat! Tahukah anda bahawa otot membakar lebih kalori setiap hari berbanding lemak? Yup. Jadi katakanlah ada dua insan yang mempunyai jantina, tinggi, umur dan berat yang sama. Tapi seorang mempunyai lebih otot manakala seorang lagi lebih lemak. Siapa akan mempunyai metabolisma yang lebih tinggi? Sudah tentu yang lebih otot! Jadi mulakan senaman angkat berat anda hari ini. Tak kiralah di rumah ataupun di gym!
  3. Makanan pedas. Hmm walaupun saya sendiri kurang gemari makanan yang pedas, ayam masak chili dan lain-lain boleh membantu tingkat metabolisma badan. Tapi jaga-jaga dengan pengambilan kalori. Jangan terlebih.
  4. Coffee atau caffeine. Tahukah kenapa anda rasa segar dan lebih fokus selepas minum kopi? Ini kerana caffeine dalam kopi meningkatkan metabolisma dan justeru bakar lebih kalorie. Tapi jangan terlebih pulak, nanti susah. Baca disini mengenai baik-buruk coffee dan caffeine.
  5. Minum air mineral. Metabolisma badan perlukan banyak air untuk berfungsi dengan baik. Malah air tidak mengandungi apa-apa kalori dan tidak boleh menambahkan berat badan untuk jangksa masa panjang.
  6. Makanan tenaga tinggi. Tingkatkan pengambilan makanan bertenaga tinggi seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan karbohidrat kompleks.
  7. Pastikan kuantiti pengambilan protein cukup. Protein mempunyai rantai kimia yang komplex yang perlukan 30% daripada jumlah kalori sebelum dihadamkan. Contoh: sekiranya anda nyahkan 100 kalorie protein, 30 kalori akan digunakan untuk menghadamkan makanan berprotein tersebut.
  8. Elakkan makanan ringkas. Makanan kompleks seperti roti perang, kacang lebih baik. Kenapa? Kerana untuk menghadamkan makanan kompleks, ia perlukan lebih banyak tenaga berbanding makanan ringkas seperti roti putih, gula-gula dan lain-lain.
  9. Kardio! Sudah tentu senaman kardio seperti jogging, badminton, berjalan dll dapat membantu tingkatkan keperluan kalori (tenaga) badan dan sekiranya keperluan tenaga badan mengingkat, metabolisma anda akan mengingkat. Amalkan paling kurang 20minit kardio 2-3x seminggu.
  10. Suplemen pembakar lemak (fat burner). Pernahkah anda tahu bagaimana suplemen pembakar lemak itu berfungsi? Hmm dan kenapa pulak "bakar" lemak? Kandungan utama kebanyakkan pembakar lemak popular di Malaysia dan dunia seperti Lipo6, JusMate5, Hydroxcut dan lain-lain adalah guarana, caffeine, ma huang dan lain-lain. Objektif ingredient ini bukanlah untuk "bakar" lemak tetapi untuk tingkatkan dengutan jantung, kadar pengederan darah - tingkatkan metabolisma. Adakah ia sesuai? Ah itu bergantung kepada individu. Tetapi seperti mana-mana ramuan, ia tidak membawa hasil yang sama untuk setiap orang.
Kata akhir, untuk tingkatkan metabolisma, yang penting adalah senaman angkat berat, pemakanan seimbang yang kerap dan apa jua aktiviti dalam kehidupan anda untuk tingkatkan penggunaan kalorie.

 *tak unah. apa2. kalau silap ttbhs, pedulikan jela~ ok :)

Monday, 11 April 2011

ZAPku yang comel

love my work
love my friends
love my books
love my comrades
in Islam

you are all in this heart
all the same
not much n more

*i just want the zap icon's url. dunno how. upload here~ :)
let's do our work with patience
i thought i did it good
but not..

i want brown colour coz da byk baju kaler pink.

ok. nanti undi kat blog pcz

saya tahu sape yg design ni..hehe :)

all the best. both of u

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Sajak: Asam Garam Kehidupan ( aku )

dunia mematangkan diri
akhirat menginsafkan diri
ku berharap suatu masa nanti
impian jadi kenyataan
angan-angan jadi realiti

jika mendambakan
kasih sayang manusia
belum tentu
manusia akan membalasnya
harapkan cinta dari yang Maha Esa
tentu kau gembira

dengan alunan kata
berbicara di khalayak
bagaikan tahu kisahnya

bersangka baiklah
nescaya hidupmu gembira sentiasa
aku bukan bersandiwara
menuturkan yang benar belaka

aku berhadapan dengan manusia menipu
di depan
senyum manisnya
di belakang 
aku tidak tahu

jadilah diri sendiri
perbaiki diri kita

trivia- penat. my kreb cycle exhausted. pls neuron, cepatlah ber'synapse'. supaya aku mudah faham segalanya. .adik2ku, datanglah kemari. aku ingin berkata sesuatu...pss~ :I

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Soon There Will be Shots Without Needles

Everybody hates needles. Children scream when faced with their first vaccinations and there are more than one or two adults who face an all consuming fear of the dreaded needle and faint on sight. Is there hope on the horizon for needle phobia?

Currently needles are used with regard to vaccinations, diabetes, blood tests and the need to get any drug in the human bloodstream quickly. Around 96% of the population hate them because they look nasty, they hurt, they can make you bleed or bruise and if used incorrectly and they can spread disease. So for most of us there may well be good news on the horizon – shots without needles may soon become a common everyday practise.
Researches in the Tulane University of New Orleans have been experimenting with nanotechnology, to see whether they can pass vaccines through the skin without the need for an injection. They have received a healthy grant of $2.3 million to make this happen.

Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating particles in their tiniest form, that of single atoms and molecules. It is believed that vaccines applied using this technology will be more stable, have a longer shelf life and will be more economical to produce. As yet, we are still waiting on the information as to how they intend to deliver the vaccination

Nature Medicine has recently published an article about a skin patch, which holds an array of tiny microneedles, which will administer a vaccine painlessly and harmlessly. 

At the moment conventional vaccines are injected into muscle, be it that of the arm or thigh. Mark Prausnitz, author of the paper at Georgia Institute of Technology, thinks that the surface of the skin is possibly a much better entry point, due to the fact that our skin triggers an immune response which is very important for a vaccine to work.

The needles themselves would be constructed out of a polymer that would slowly dissolve into our skin. Microscopic in length, the needles would quickly penetrate the outer layer of the epidermis, before dispersing harmlessly into our bloodstream. So vaccines could soon be applied in much the same way as a plaster.

Researcher’s who tested the application on mice, found that the levels of protection from this form of skin patch were equal to those of an injection and furthermore, there was a much lower level of virus in their lungs, suggesting a much better immune response.

If these inventions do make their way to the worldwide market they will make an immeasurable difference. They will be far cheaper than their conventional counterparts, able to be administered quickly and painlessly, much less invasive, will not spread disease and have no costly or dangerous medical waste to dispose of. It would also be far easier to transport a box full of skin patches to developing countries – they would be much lighter and would have no chance of breaking in transit.

This isn’t all – PowerMed has invented a new Star Trek like super vaccine gun called the PMED. Looking much like a small flashlight, it uses helium to shoot microscopic DNA particles just below the surface of the epidermis at 1500 mph. The shot hits just above the nerve endings, which makes it painless and far more efficient as this is where immunity producing cells gather in large numbers. In fact, it only uses 1000th of the dose that would be required of a single injection. This would mean a massive cost saving when purchasing vaccines. As vaccines can also be stored in powder form, they don’t require a fridge or expensive refrigerated transportation. Influenza and Hepatitis vaccines are already in the making… soon to be seen in a country near you we hope…

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