Thursday, 29 November 2012

a.k.o.k + =)


this is short entry je

haritu 1st time buat kuih ni

special utk housemate org negori (n9)
dy tak pernah makan kueh ni
plus saya pun rindu jugakla nak makan kueh ni
so buatla sikit (20/11/2012)
kueh klate ni..ekhee=D


Akok 'perantauan'
ade yang accident tu..ukhuhu B)

anak sape la ni...

pandai minum guna gelas. kucing moden lah katekan~ she is slurping my chocolate drink (:

meh nak citer sket
kalau drive ke Kelantan @ Terengganu ke
kena pasang niat merasa akok hee
akok ni kuih-muih tradisi. nenek2 moyang selalu buat guna dapur arang+sabut kelapa (mmg rasa asli original)
orang zaman skang kita guna oven ye dak? ehee
selalunya akok dijual bersama bahulu di gerai tepi2 jalan, orang yg jual tepi jalan ni diorang guna dapur sabut tu
memang rasa asli & sedap & lemak manis
biasanya asap kepul2 nampak dari jauh perlahankan kenderaan anda kalau niat nak membeli
kalau laju, terlepas @ 'ter'roboh gerai orang melayang2 akok yg sedap
kalau balik kampung kan, ayah k.mai (eh k.mai hehe) berhenti kereta sanggup turun order akok hehe
akok ni banyak guna telur+santan
so, sape yg tinggi kolesterol, beringat2 tu kalau makan
nak tidur dulu. Assalamualaikum =)

anda inginkan true chips? jomlah study bersama saya! yeay :P
dulu masa UpSR, meja study adalah meja makan yg da tak guna
jadi saya dibesarkan dengan cara itu
-nak meja makan :(

Nasihat Imam Al-Ghazali..copy paste dari blog Cahaya Mukmin
Wahai anak! Nasehat itu mudah, yang sulit adalah menerimanya; karena terasa pahit oleh hawa nafsu yang menyukai segala yang terlarang. Terutama dikalangan penuntut ilmu yang membuang-buang waktu dalam mencari kebesaran diri dan kemegahan duniawi. Ia mengira didalam ilmu yang tak bersari itulah terkandung keselamatan dan kebahagiaan, dan ia menyangka tak perlu beramal. Inilah kepercayaan filsul-filsuf. 

Ia tidak tahu bahwa ketika ada pada seseorang ilmu, maka ada yang memberatkan, seperti disabdakan Rasulallah saw: "Orang yang berat menanggung siksa di hari kiamat ialah orang yang berilmu namun tidak mendapat manfaat dari ilmunya itu." 

Wahai anak! Janganlah engkau hidup dengan kemiskinan amal dan kehilangan kemauan kerja. Yakinlah bahwa ilmu tanpa amal semata-mata tidak akan menyelamatkan orang. Jika disuatu medan pertempuran ada seorang yang gagah berani dengan persenjataan lengkap dihadapkan dengan seekor singa yang galak, dapatkah senjatanya melindungi dari bahaya, jika tidak diangkat, dipukulkan dan ditikamkan? Tentu saja tidak akan menolong, kecuali diangkat, dipukulkan dan ditikamkan. Demikian pula jika seseorang membaca dan mempelajari seratus ribu masalah ilmiah, jika tidak diamalkan maka tidaklah akan mendatangkan faedah. 

Wahai anak! Berapa malam engkau berjaga guna mengulang-ulang ilmu, membaca buku, dan engkau haramkan tidur atas dirimu. Aku tak tahu, apa yang menjadi pendorongmu. Jika yang menjadi pendorongmu adalah kehendak mencari materi dan kesenangan dunia atau mengejar pangkat atau mencari kelebihan atas kawansemata, maka malanglah engkau. Namun jika yang mendorongmu adalah keinginan untuk menghidupkan syariat Rasulallah saw dan menyucikan budi pekertimu serta menundukkan nafsu yang tiada henti mengajak kepada kejahatan, maka mujurlah engkau. Benar sekali kata seorang penyair, "Biarpun kantuk menyiksa mata, Akan percuma semata-mata jika tak karena Allah semata". 

Wahai anak! Hiduplah sebagaimana maumu, namun ingat bahwasanya engkau akan mati. Dan cintailah siapa yang engkau sukai, namun ingat! engkau akan berpisah dengannya. Dan berbuatlah seperti yang engkau kehendaki, namun ingat! engkau pasti akan menerima balasannya nanti.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Morning with late Steve Jobs

today i'm not going to class
I had fever yesterday
and this morning headache come
so today even not going to class
study at home, not so much
but it is ok la rather than on bed kan? =)

ok, take a look at this video

I'm proud of u Steve Jobs
and i'm thinking if u are muslim, it is really2 much2 better
even u died, u get reward from Allah till Hereafter, Jannah etc....
-he is not Christian, but Buddhism..huhu,, how a waste:(

he always remember about death, ok?
"Keep looking and don't settle"

we as muslims can take any possible values in this video
others, throw away...hehe =)
ok assalamualaikum

Sunday, 18 November 2012

My 1st Medical Service (ZMT) & Jenis Hati

pisang+coklat for breakfast

morning: preparation

glucose meter


last 15 & 16 November, we (Zagazig Medical Team) did medical check-up for PharMed Seminar participant.
Fees for medical check-up only Le 2....(sebab nak kira glucose alat2 dia mahal tau, guna lancet & the blue stick)

around 2.30 pm: I put on the mind-map/photos of medical knowledge on wall for ZMT's exhibition. just simple articles n stuff bcz we did them all in only one day. to prepare my group got Common Disease in Egypt as our presentation. ok. then 6 hours before, I presented the stuff in front of ZMT course w/o preparation..everything was ok..then at 2.00pm we must gather at lobby (Conference Hall Zagazig Hospital University, where the PharMed would be held)

First day, lacking of members on duty, so kitorang yang ade ni did the preparation in rush. Spread the table cover, arrange chairs, put notice on wall, prepare the sphygnomanometer and stethoscope, the height meter...hoho..alhamdulillah semuanya beres 

In break time, participants of seminar came out from conference hall so we did our job. 1st day, I took blood pressure.just in break time, but the adhocs also want to do medical check 1st day was almost busy+tired..hehe, but i enjoyed it so much la.

2nd day, I was just like a reserve (saje2 datang sbnarnye,tolong ape yg patut). but some came late, so, I replaced them for a while; did blood glucose, took blood pressure and BMI also be a presenter at exhibition. also I enjoyed by doing them.after Zohor, back home+tired but not hungry bcz we got free food like we got them on 1st day..i didn't know why there were so much food remained after the seminar, as I knew the number of seminar participants were registered...huhu...ok, rezki from Allah for us alhamdulillah=)

tema ni cari guna google..hehe..opss pecah rahsia ekeke

peserta2 PharMed akan dapat brg2 ni lepas daftar on9 hrtu...tag nama, buku pengisian seminar,pen,buku aturcara

nisa' & k.farah...tgh siapkan organisasi ZMT tu

tag yg dipakai pada hari bertugas

time takdak orang kita snap gmbr ye tuan puan kikiki

time takdak org juga, kita boleh study n buat nota~ in pic:k.shakirah

maj & anati

Farihah bagi penerangan kat pengunjung pameran
>aku n k.farah buat hep C & TB (yg manila card warna biru)

ni 1st day..aku tugas sampai malam...2nd day sampai kol 2ptg tgk kanan tgk kiri sblm melintas 

doktor wa doktorah amin =)

kalau ZMT nye skill up lagi an dari skg, PCZ da boleh hantar da kitorang gi Gaza..hehe..amin =D

korang pernah mengalami tak masalah kurang fokus?
ni article best. share with u +click++debaboom
jangan lupa tengok video jenis2 hati ustaz Arab kat atas tu =D
okay tu je

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Ucapan Pierre Andre yang Terbaik Dalam Anugerah Skrin 2012

and the greatest award is Laila haillallah...


After the award ceremony, director Adam Hamid (which now become a better muslim) calling him, congrulated him and asked him to join 'usrah' . alhamdulillah praise to Allah Pierre agreed to join it..

recently what we can see, some actors and actresses in Malaysia changed themselves into fitrah

alhamdulillah3x..this is good phenomenon in our country =)
and hoping this will keep on progress and will be more better than this

bravo Pierre! u were brave to say the holy kalimah in front of others while u were in entertainment prestige award ceremony~

*tiba-tiba teringat masalah Hisbah (couple laki perempuan kat universiti+pakai baju tangan tak pjg)
sometime I don't have courage enough to amal ma'ruf nahi mungkar~~
and got stress + grrr..., stress with that person & what inside me
stress tahu!
and last session of Hisbah, some ppls slandering me/publish a libel against me
alhamdulillah.. i didn't know and even I know, I just forgot it and i had no stress
haha=D----------------------------------------- selingan-------------------------------------------------

this 15 nov-16 nov: PharMed Seminar. I googled about Prof M.Mansor (Pharmacy)
Prof M.Mansor's writing (click) (I wish I have time to read this tremendous writing)

Iklan sikit>>


Help Her Look Forward to a Brighter Future

Marriage should be a time for celebration and joy – unless you are one of the 67 million girls around the world forced into marriage before the age of 18.

Imagine the life those girls — who are 7, 10 or even 16 years of age — endure. Child brides have a diminished chance of completing their education and are at a higher risk of being physically abused, contracting HIV and other diseases, and dying while pregnant or giving birth.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Please join CARE in helping bring an end to this gross human rights violation that puts the lives of 25,000 more young girls at risk every single day. Together we can end child marriage.

~Rohingya-Syria-Palestine~ hurm....

Friday, 9 November 2012

random typing while slurping my green tea


alhamdulillah, today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday so holiday yeay

but being a student + society person, holiday does not mean a lot

it is just usual day, but Friday is really special 

involve actively in society which is PERUBATAN teach me many things...
It is really different when u hold a position in university/community life and secondary/primary school..the experience that u get will be more and more according to ur life phase la kan...
also different when in matriculation life (b4 university)

and this session, I may sit for two positions only
 ;Vice Director of Economy Unit and 
Planning Unit but both positions are not in PERUBATAN,
but DPMZ (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Zagazig)

and these amanah/responsibilities under me, so I must do it properly
because Allah will ask me for what I carry on...

I expect less busy than last year

also when I back home, what I see are thick books on the table waiting to be read

but the owner switch on the lap top first~ phew

ok, now I want to share with u some pics =))

oh yea,,two babies on 3 Nov 2012, >> Sis Ieka's baby (Nur Raudhatul Iman)
and Laila (granddaughter of my apartment owner , we called him Baba,)

Malaysian girls in Zagazig -powerful tau,,jgn main2..hehe

tumpang bangga atas kejayaan my housemate sembelih khoruf =))

announcement on Bidadari Zagazig group@Facebook

 They also had opportunities to slaughter animals (Qurban)
because this year, we had camels, khorufs & goats..didn't remember how much, but so many laa
then after slaughtering process and the males students cut the animals into many parts,
girls continued the process; cut into more smaller parts to be distributed to all students here
 I and 7 other friends cut 30 kg of camel meat (for soup feast)
bagi orang lain maybe da biasa,,
tapi aku nak bangga jugak..haha
ok assalmualaikum

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Kalam Super Senior @AHLAN'12 =)

two videos from AHLAN
what is AHLAN? it is annual ceremony to celebrate new students
VVIP from Embassy will come, Education Malaysia also will come, and the most important person u must meet : scholarship person: JPA =))

This Kalam Super Senior Segment like a tazkirah for me
yeah to be success in everything we do...Do it all out

someone said : Doa to Allah like this 'ya Allah tolong cemerlangkan aku dalam setiap subjek yang aku ambil, belajar/ ya Allah please grant me make me excellent in what subject that I take,learn'

someone also said: before we enter the class we must 'tajdid niat'/renew our intention to get new knowledge, to get all the information/'ilmu' from the professor. must =)

trivia~ have paediatric class today. 

I hope will meet more cute babies today, n not easily crying....haha

1)      Tujuan pensyariatan Islam adalah utk memelihara 5 maqasid syar’iah :

2)      Menolak kerosakan lebih diutamakan daripada mencari maslahat :
درأ المفاسد مقدم على جلب المصالح
( Syarahan : Ulama’ mengatakan : Kerosakan itu lebih cepat tersebar ibarat rumput kering yang terbakar , menyekat keburukan daripada berlaku meskipun tindakan ini menyebabkan hilangnya beberapa manfaat ataupaun menyebabkan kelambatan untuk mendapatkan manfaat tersebut adalah satu tindakan yang bijak ).

3)      Perlu diketahui juga : Ulama-ulama’ Feqh bersepakat bahawa : HISBAH adalah menyuruh kepada perkara yang baik apabila jelas ia ditinggalkan dan mencegah perkara yang mungkar apabila jelas ia dilakukan. =))

click to donate=)