Sunday 18 November 2012

My 1st Medical Service (ZMT) & Jenis Hati

pisang+coklat for breakfast

morning: preparation

glucose meter


last 15 & 16 November, we (Zagazig Medical Team) did medical check-up for PharMed Seminar participant.
Fees for medical check-up only Le 2....(sebab nak kira glucose alat2 dia mahal tau, guna lancet & the blue stick)

around 2.30 pm: I put on the mind-map/photos of medical knowledge on wall for ZMT's exhibition. just simple articles n stuff bcz we did them all in only one day. to prepare my group got Common Disease in Egypt as our presentation. ok. then 6 hours before, I presented the stuff in front of ZMT course w/o preparation..everything was ok..then at 2.00pm we must gather at lobby (Conference Hall Zagazig Hospital University, where the PharMed would be held)

First day, lacking of members on duty, so kitorang yang ade ni did the preparation in rush. Spread the table cover, arrange chairs, put notice on wall, prepare the sphygnomanometer and stethoscope, the height meter...hoho..alhamdulillah semuanya beres 

In break time, participants of seminar came out from conference hall so we did our job. 1st day, I took blood pressure.just in break time, but the adhocs also want to do medical check 1st day was almost busy+tired..hehe, but i enjoyed it so much la.

2nd day, I was just like a reserve (saje2 datang sbnarnye,tolong ape yg patut). but some came late, so, I replaced them for a while; did blood glucose, took blood pressure and BMI also be a presenter at exhibition. also I enjoyed by doing them.after Zohor, back home+tired but not hungry bcz we got free food like we got them on 1st day..i didn't know why there were so much food remained after the seminar, as I knew the number of seminar participants were registered...huhu...ok, rezki from Allah for us alhamdulillah=)

tema ni cari guna google..hehe..opss pecah rahsia ekeke

peserta2 PharMed akan dapat brg2 ni lepas daftar on9 hrtu...tag nama, buku pengisian seminar,pen,buku aturcara

nisa' & k.farah...tgh siapkan organisasi ZMT tu

tag yg dipakai pada hari bertugas

time takdak orang kita snap gmbr ye tuan puan kikiki

time takdak org juga, kita boleh study n buat nota~ in pic:k.shakirah

maj & anati

Farihah bagi penerangan kat pengunjung pameran
>aku n k.farah buat hep C & TB (yg manila card warna biru)

ni 1st day..aku tugas sampai malam...2nd day sampai kol 2ptg tgk kanan tgk kiri sblm melintas 

doktor wa doktorah amin =)

kalau ZMT nye skill up lagi an dari skg, PCZ da boleh hantar da kitorang gi Gaza..hehe..amin =D

korang pernah mengalami tak masalah kurang fokus?
ni article best. share with u +click++debaboom
jangan lupa tengok video jenis2 hati ustaz Arab kat atas tu =D
okay tu je

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