Because even if you lose weight through dieting alone, your body won't burn fat any easier. To rev up your fat-burning engines, focus less on how often you empty your plate and more on how often you fill your walking shoes.
Fat Burning and More
When a group of sedentary and overweight older adults recently tested three weight loss systems -- exercise only (mostly walking), diet only, and exercise plus diet -- there was no question about the results. When it came to fat burning, the walkers won hands down over those who simply watched what they ate. The bodies of the people who strutted their stuff used more fat to fuel their activity.
A Little Goes a Long Way
Just 30 minutes of daily walking gives you a host of health benefits besides extra fat burning, including more disease protection and better stress stomping.
Exercising regularly, expending at least 3,500 calories of energy a week, can make your RealAge 3.4 years younger.
Separate and combined effects of exercise training and weight loss on exercise efficiency and substrate oxidation. Amati, F. et al., Journal of Applied Physiology 2008 Sep;105(3):825-831.
Actively patrolling your health can make your RealAge as much as 12 years younger. Take the RealAge Test Copyright 2008 RealAge
from yahoo health
insyaallah, klu ade masa nanti, saya nak taip pasal diet yang sihat yang ditulis sendiri oleh pakar pemakanan dari India. ada seorang aktres luar negara tu, dia da amalkan petua diet yang sihat ni. Alhamdulillah, berat die turun dan die semakin sihat dan cergas :)
moga kita mempunyai badan yang sihat untuk terus beribadah dan terus bekerja kepadaNya~
dan tetaplah memberi peringatan, kerana sesungguhnya peringatan itu bermanfaat bagi org2 Mukmin. Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan agar mereka beribadah kepadaKu (azzariyat:55-56)
trivia¬saya selalu dgr kawan2 yang nak diet ni..kadang2 nak tergelak juga..ade hamba Allah tu kata nak diet (saya tak rapat pun dgn die..hoho) tapi nak minta tolong ambil pinggan pun malas..:p
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