assalamualaikum semua.
dua perkataan je : sangat penat
ye, semenjak dua menjak ni, badan saya sangat penat..tetapi itu adalah yang terbaik sebagai latihan untuk saya, hari-hari yang akan mendatang, lagi penat. hehe. itulah kan. namanya manusia. setiap manusia, adalah tugas masing2.
25 september yang lalu, salah seorang dari staf klinik berhenti kerja. Nak menjaga mak cik saudara katanya. Umur 18 tahun dan berminat untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang perniagaan. Saya doakan kejayaan awak :)
jadi, tinggallah kami, nisha, aujie, syahira dan saya. 4 orang. Izie sebagai kerani. hoho. 30 sept ni, Syahira plop yang nak berhenti. sebenarnya, saya dan aujie je sama umur. Syahira dan Nisha tu tua sket dari saya, api, tak panggil pun, kak ke sis ke kat depan tu. hehe. mula-mula, tak biasa panggil nama je. tapi, da diorang semua gitu, saya pun 'aku kau' je la. hehe. nak gurau, nak tegur pun senang. hehe.
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kawan-kawan kat ruang menunggu |
alhamdulillah, hari ni, ade dua orang mai jumpa doktor. Nak minta kerja kat situ. hehe.lega rasanya. ye la. saya tak penat sangat. saya rasa diorang lagi penat. hoho.
balik rumah, layan adik2. perlu buat sesuatu. Yaya nak UPSR da tahun depan. BM penulisan dia agak lemah. dapat 75. yang lain, mate 80, sains 70. Yaya ni agak main2 sket dalam belajar berbanding kawan-kawan dia yang lain. hoho. pelajar sekolah rendah sekarang tak sama dengan dulu. Sekarang, ramai pelajar yang pintar dan matang. pandangan saya, cikgu sekolah rendah tak banyak sangat ajar pelajar2. kalau sekolah swasta, macam sekolah rendah al-amin, KL, ajar betul2. tak payah belajar sendiri pun tak pe dah. hehe. tu yang best :)
eh, sory
tak tau nak citer kat sape, tulis kat blog. fungsi blog kan macam tu.~ :)
tiga perkataan : belajar kena lebih
shif pagi - 7.30 pagi-3.00 petang
shif petang - 2.30 petang-10.00 malam
**klinik tempat saya bekerja, tiada waktu rehat. Kalau ada pesakit, mesti terus daftar, tunggu, dapatkan rawatan dan akan ke bahagian farmasi untuk dapatkan ubat-ubatan
ye, masa housemanship nanti pun, saya akan lebih bekerja lagi. jadi, jangan putus asa dan sentiasa bersemangat :)
banyak benda yang perlu dipelajari. Antaranya pasal campak ( chicken pox ) dan meningococcal. Yang perlu diulangkaji ialah jaundice dan gout. da lupa da.oh no :(
hari ni ada seorang pesakit yang nak pasang IUCD. saya kire cam assist doktor la :). Berdiri sebelah doktor. Khidmat pasang IUCD ni RM145. hari tu saya da tengok IUCD removal. kire da complete la pasang dan buang.
jap, tak semua orang tahu pasal IUCD ni. kat sini, saya 'kacau kopi' sket ek. Selamat membaca ! :)
The IUD is a small, T-shaped flexible device that is inserted into the uterus. The Mirena IUD levonorgestrel and is effective for 5 years. ParaGard is the only non-medicated IUD available in the United States and can be left in place for up to 10 years. ( kat klinik saya ni pakai Multiload, tahan 3 tahun ).This IUD has copper (which acts as a spermicide) coiled around it. One of the greatest hurdles facing IUD use is that many people have been lead to believe inaccurate information about it. -continuously releases a small amount of the progestin
Before an IUD insertion, some health-care professionals will advise a woman to take an over-the-counter pain management medication, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as 600 to 800 mg of ibuprofen – Motrin, Advil) an hour before the IUD is inserted.
This may help to minimize the cramps and discomfort that may be caused during the insertion.
Check to see if your doctor’s office has sanitary pads; if not, make sure to bring one from home to use after the insertion in case some bleeding occurs.
Eventually, a woman must have an IUD removed, since IUDs do not disintegrate and, for the most part, will not come out on their own. The procedure of an IUD removal is often easier, less painful, and quicker than the insertion.
It is especially important to note that a woman should never try to remove her IUD by herself or ask an unqualified person to do so as this could cause serious damage.
It is especially important to note that a woman should never try to remove her IUD by herself or ask an unqualified person to do so as this could cause serious damage.
Reasons for an IUD Removal:
A woman may have several reasons why she would want her IUD removed. These could include:
- Wanting to become pregnant
- Continual side effects that a woman can no longer tolerate
- The development of an infection
- A woman may just not like it
- Mirena IUD – if you have had it for five years
- ParaGard – if you have been using it for 10 years
The IUD Removal Procedure:
An IUD can be removed at anytime during the menstrual cycle. However, studies has shown that it may be a little easier to remove an IUD during menstruation because the cervix is naturally softened at that time.
Generally, expect some of the same initial steps performed during your IUD insertion, such as determining the position of the uterus. Once the IUD strings are located, a qualified professional will remove the IUD by using forceps or clamps to securely grasp the strings and slowly pull out the IUD at a certain angle. The flexible arms of the IUD will fold up as the IUD slides through the opening of the cervix.
Possible Complications:
IUD removal is usually a routine and uncomplicated procedure. In some cases, though, your doctor may not be able to locate the strings. If this occurs, it is most likely due to the fact that the strings have slipped up into the cervical canal which can occur if they were cut too short (either at insertion or at the request of a woman because her partner was able to feel them during intercourse).
Your doctor may try to locate the strings and gently pull them out of your cervix with narrow forceps/tweezers or cotton-tipped swabs. Once the strings are located, then the IUD removal will proceed as described above.
Your doctor may try to locate the strings and gently pull them out of your cervix with narrow forceps/tweezers or cotton-tipped swabs. Once the strings are located, then the IUD removal will proceed as described above.
It may also be possible that the strings have retracted up into the uterus. If this is the case, your health-care professional may use a sound (a measuring instrument) or a sonogram to make sure that the IUD is still in the uterus (and was not expelled without the woman realizing it).
If the strings cannot be located and the doctor has confirmed that the IUD is still in place, the IUD can be removed from the uterus with forceps or tweezer-like clamps. Your doctor will be careful, so that your uterus is not injured during this process.
If the strings cannot be located and the doctor has confirmed that the IUD is still in place, the IUD can be removed from the uterus with forceps or tweezer-like clamps. Your doctor will be careful, so that your uterus is not injured during this process.
More Serious Complications:
Very rarely, an IUD may have become embedded in the uterine wall and can not easily be pulled out. Your doctor can use various techniques such as ultrasound imaging, hysterography (x-rays of the uterus after instillation of a contrast medium), or hysteroscopy (direct viewing of the uterus with a fiberoptic instrument) to determine if this has occurred.
If the IUD has perforated (punctured) or is embedded in the uterus, your health-care professional may have to dilate your cervix and use forceps to dislodge the IUD. Most of the time, a local anesthetic will be applied during this type of removal.
If the IUD has perforated (punctured) or is embedded in the uterus, your health-care professional may have to dilate your cervix and use forceps to dislodge the IUD. Most of the time, a local anesthetic will be applied during this type of removal.
Replacing an IUD:
You can easily have a new Mirena IUD or ParaGard IUD inserted immediately after your old IUD is removed. This can all be done in one office visit, provided there are no complications.
Of Special Caution:
When planning a day for your IUD removal, keep in mind that if you have your IUD removed near the time that you are ovulating, you could be at risk for becoming pregnant if you have had recent intercourse before the IUD is removed.
Sperm can live inside the vagina for up to 5 days.
Therefore, as an example, let’s say that you are scheduled to have your IUD removed on June 12, so you have intercourse on June 11 (one last time)! All goes as planned, and you have your IUD removal on June 12. If you ovulate on June 12, June 13, June 14, or June 15, you may become pregnant since the sperm (from your intercourse on June 11) can still be inside of you waiting to fertilize an egg. It is a wise idea not to have any intercourse (unless you also use a condom) for one week before your IUD removal to lower the likelihood that this scenario would occur.
Hur, H.C., MD. (2007). "New Tools for Minimally Invasive Surgery for Women’s Health". The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Treiman, K., Liskin, L., Kols, A., and Rinehart, W. (December 1995). "IUDs — An Update". Population Reports, Series B, No. 6. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program.
An IUD (intrauterine device) is a contraceptive which sits in the womb.
Copper T IUD (Intrauterine Device)
An IUD is a small device that is shaped in the form of a "T". Your health care provider places it inside the uterus. The arms of the Copper T IUD contain some copper, which stops fertilization by preventing sperm from making their way up through the uterus into the fallopian tubes. If fertilization does occur, the IUD would prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the lining of the uterus.
The Copper T IUD can stay in your uterus for up to 12 years. It does not protect against STDs or HIV. This IUD is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. You will need to visit your doctor to have it inserted and to make sure you are not having any problems.
Progestasert IUD (Intrauterine Device)
This IUD is a small plastic T-shaped device that is placed inside the uterus by a doctor. It contains the hormone progesterone, the same hormone produced by a woman's ovaries during the monthly menstrual cycle. The progesterone causes the cervical mucus to thicken so sperm cannot reach the egg, and it changes the lining of the uterus so that a fertilized egg cannot successfully implant.
The Progestasert IUD can stay in your uterus for one year. This IUD is 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. You will need to visit your doctor to have it inserted and to make sure you are not having any problems.
Intrauterine System (IUS, Mirena IUD)
The IUS is a small T-shaped device like the IUD and is placed inside the uterus by a doctor. Each day, it releases a small amount of a hormone similar to progesterone called levonorgestrel that causes the cervical mucus to thicken so sperm cannot reach the egg.
The IUS stays in your uterus for up to five years. It does not protect against STDs or HIV. The IUS is 99% effective. You will need to visit your doctor to have it inserted and to make sure you are not having any problems.
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ni la Multiload. kena ukur panjang uterus dulu sebelum masukkan IUCD. lps tu, keluarkan IUCD. cek panjang IUCD tu dulu.perhatikan betul2.(ade ukuran kat plastik tu) |
trivia¬IUCDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Women who get an STD while using an IUCD are also more likely to develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). In 2 percent to 10 percent of cases, the uterus will push the IUCD out of the body. Fever and chills are other side effects. IUCDs cause cramps and backaches in some women. Heavier bleeding than normal and spotting are also common side effects, though this normally only lasts for the first few months. There is a greater risk of having an ectopic pregnancy with an IUCD than without one.
i thot IUCD is not permitted in Islam if u want to do it to prevent pregnancy. am i right?
i have one question regarding the term used in the article. what is ectopic pregnancy? i'm just lazy to google it. can u name that in malay?
btw, i think penat sekarang is ok, as for your practice in the upcoming years as medical practitioner, which will be far tougher than this i think.. hehe
u can do it girl!
hehe. diorg psg sbb xde duit nk sara anak klu rmi.klu rmi, xdpt gb pndidikan yg scukupnye, xjd org juga kn..em, ade yg psg sbb mslh kbyknnye yg sy jumpa ni, sbb x mmpu nk sara anak. kos hidup tmbh2 kt kl klu 'ter'jadi anak, diorg terima je..
ectopic preg mksdnye telur yg dh disenyawakn ter'tanam' di kwsn lain yg bukan rahim spt kt ovari ke, cervix ke, tp yg kerap kt fallopin tube la
hehe..tu la.penat, kne stamina lebih
(mu'ez beli hadiah sblm blik mesir, tali skipping dan 1 diari..hehe)
yes, i believe that i can :)
Have to do more researches on "Hukum Family Plannig menurut Islam".
Bolehkah merancang kerana takut tidak mampu menyara anak, sedangkan yang memberi rezeki semata-mata adalah Allah SWT?
Big question mark.
interesting topic..
keep it up
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